Thursday, September 11, 2008

About me

Miss Cuellar, my Sports Marketing teacher is wanting to know a few facts about me that some people might not know because my class is having a sort of interviewing assignment.
Well for starters my favorite food would be italian food. I love chicken alfredo. My favorite music would have to be rock because I'm always working out and when I'm having a tough workout my music usually helps me to finish my workout strong. My favorite T.V. show would have to be U.F.C fight night.
My favorite subject in school would have to be history because it never really changes. I'm usually told that I'm a bright student all around but that I mainly excel in my history.
My strength would have to be my work ethic and my weakness would have to be me just making little mistakes that I can usually avoid but I usually correct them when I've noticed them.
Yes I do usually study for tests and all I do is read over my material that I'm taking a test over.
I want to learn how to publish myself if I make it pro.
I think we should divide the work into equal parts.
I make a great team member because I would try to push everyone to achieve the impossible.

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